Managing Holidays (AOD)
Simple Holiday Setup
The Simple Holiday Setup can usually be found under the Advanced Operations section of the AOD Main Menu and is usually named Holidays.
When using this method, the eligibility and payment rules for the holiday are defined by the pay class the employee is assigned to. These rules need to be configured by an ICI Technician.
Defining Holiday Dates
To define a specific date as a holiday:
- Go to Advanced Operations > Holidays.
- Find the date on the calendar that you are looking for.
- Click on the Plus ( + ) for that day to define as a holiday.
Defining the holidays dates must be done each year. Holidays will not repeat automatically.
Removing Holiday Dates
To remove the holiday from a specific date:
- Go to Advanced Operations > Holidays.
- Find the date on the calendar that you are looking for.
- Click on
Advanced Holiday Setup
The Advanced Holiday Setup can usually be found under the Advanced Operations section of the AOD Main Menu and is usually named Holiday Setup (Adv).
When using this method, the payment rules for the holiday are defined on the Holiday Payments tab. Some aspects of the payment rules will need to be configured by an ICI Technician. Eligibility rules for the holiday are defined on the Corporate Holidays tab.
Holiday Payments
The Holiday Payments tab allows you to create and manage different payment rules for specific groups of employees. Employees can be grouped by pay class, workgroup assignment, hourly status, etc...
Example Scenario
- Full Time employees get 8:00 of Holiday for Non-Worked Holidays and special Worked Holiday pay.
- Part Time employees get special Worked Holiday pay.
Creating the Holiday Payment Rules
Full Time Employees
- Go to Advanced Operations > Holiday Setup (Adv).
- On the Holiday Payments tab, click on the Add New Holiday Payment Rule link.
- Enter a name for the payment rule and click Ok.
- In the Apply section of the new payment rule, click Change.
- Set the Properties of the payment rule:
- Applies To: Both Non-Worked and Worked Holiday
- Formula: Amount Specified
- Amount: 8:00
- Multiplier: field is ignored for the formula selected
- Holiday Pay Des: Holiday
- Additional restrictions can be specified, such as working schedule day before or day after. Please consult ICI Tech Support if you need to set these restrictions.
- Click on the Eligibility tab.
- Click on Add New Emp. Elig. Rule.
- Enter a name for the eligibility rule and click Ok.
- Click on Change in the Check Item section.
- Set the Eligibility Settings:
- Check Item: Any One of Selected Hourly Status Types
- Comparison Formula: Equal
- Click on Change in the Values section.
- From the list on the left side, double-click on any Hourly Status that needs to be Eligible for this payment rule.
Part Time Employees
- On the Holiday Payments tab, click on the Add New Holiday Payment Rule link.
- Enter a name for the payment rule and click Ok.
- In the Apply section of the new payment rule, click Change.
- Set the Properties of the payment rule:
- Applies To: Worked Holiday
- Formula: None
- Amount: field is ignored for the formula selected
- Multiplier: field is ignored for the formula selected
- Holiday Pay Des: field is ignored for the formula selected
- Additional restrictions can be specified, such as working schedule day before or day after. Please consult ICI Tech Support if you need to set these restrictions.
- Click on the Eligibility tab.
- Click on Add New Emp. Elig. Rule.
- Enter a name for the eligibility rule and click Ok.
- Click on Change in the Check Item section.
- Set the Eligibility Settings:
- Check Item: Any One of Selected Hourly Status Types
- Comparison Formula: Equal
- Click on Change in the Values section.
- From the list on the left side, double-click on any Hourly Status that needs to be Eligible for this payment rule.
Corporate Holidays
Corporate holidays can be created for all employees or for specific groups of employees. Below are the steps for managing a corporate holiday.
Example Holidays
- July 4th for all employees
- Day after Thanksgiving for several departments
Creating A Standard Corporate Holiday (July 4th)
- Go to Advanced Operations > Holiday Setup (Adv).
- Go to the Corporate Holidays tab and click Add New Corporate Holiday
- Set the Basic Holiday Properties:
- Holiday: U.S. Independance Day (July 4th)
- Name: Fourth of July
- "Other" Holiday Date: Field is ignored for Standard Holidays
- Repeat Each Year: Checked
- Use Holiday Payment Rules: Checked
- Disable Weekend Adjustments: Unchecked
- Click on the Holiday Eligibility tab.
- A default eligibility rule will be added automatically. You will usually need to modify this rule.
- A default eligibility rule will be added automatically. You will usually need to modify this rule.
- Click on Change on the right side of the eligibility box.
- Enter a new name for the eligibility rule and click Ok.
- Click on Change in the Check Item section.
- Set the Employee Eligibility Settings:
- Check Item: Active Status
- Comparison Formula: Equal
- The Value should automatically set to Active. If it does not, click Change in the Values section, select Active for the Active Status and click Ok.
Creating A Custom Corporate Holiday (Day after Thanksgiving 2018)
- Go to Advanced Operations > Holiday Setup (Adv).
- Go to the Corporate Holidays tab and click Add New Corporate Holiday
- Set the Basic Holiday Properties:
- Holiday: Other
- Name: Day After Thanksgiving 2018
- "Other" Holiday Date: 11/23/2018
- Repeat Each Year: Unchecked
- Use Holiday Payment Rules: Checked
- Disable Weekend Adjustments: Unchecked
- Click on the Holiday Eligibility tab.
- A default eligibility rule will be added automatically. You will usually need to modify this rule.
- A default eligibility rule will be added automatically. You will usually need to modify this rule.
- Click on Change on the right side of the eligibility box.
- Enter a new name for the eligibility rule and click Ok.
- Click on Change in the Check Item section.
- Set the Employee Eligibility Settings:
- Check Item: Home Workgroup Assignment
- Comparison Formula: Equal
- Click Change in the Values section.
- With All selected for Locations and Cost Centers, double click on the departments that are eligible for this holiday to add them to the list.
- Click Ok.