Requesting Device Replacement

Requesting Device Replacement

Did you need to reinstall the Time Terminal app or replace the physical device? Then you need to request that the old device activation be replaced by the new device. Here are the steps for requesting that device replacement.

1. Sign into the Time Terminal Portal (https://www.iciaod.com/tt).

2. In the menu on the left side, Click the site you need to replace a device for.

3. From the list of active devices, find the device that you need to replace. If the same name is used, look at the Last Communications column. Click on the menu drop-down on the right side of that device’s line.

4. Select Request Replacement.

5. In the dialog that displays, select the new device that will replace the device indicated in the top box then click Submit Request.

New devices are listed with the Station ID and Description. Badge-locked devices use Station ID for the description. It is recommended that you know the Station ID of the Old and New device.

Information Controls will receive the following email after your request is submitted.

After we have deactivated the old device, we will contact you by email to let you know.

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